By Yudiria Hernandez—
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there
I did not die.
I am here.
Like a summer breeze,
That you cannot see,
But feel,
I am always by your side.
I am here,
Always with you,
I did not die.
I hug you in the mornings
I walk with you all the time
I kiss you on the cheek at night.
I see your struggles
I comfort you, when you cry.
I talk to you
When you feel lonely
I am next to you, when you are sad.
I see how far you have come
How much you have changed
How beautiful you have become.
I can see
your smile
shining as bright as a July sun
Your vibrant colors
Reminds me of a rainbow
So full of life
Your wings are spread wide
Ready to fly!
So, fly…
Fly away my three beautiful butterflies.
I am alive
Living in paradise
Where there is no pain or tears to cry.
This poem was originally written and published for the NHE Grant.